VERLEGUNG: Matthew Mole

Das Konzert von „Matthew Mole“ wird vom 18.04.22 auf den 17.08.22 verschoben!

Hey everybody

its with extreme frustration that we once again find ourselves unable to make all our upcoming shows work together as a collective across the whole of Europe and UK due to some differing territory Covid rules. We have managed to reschedule everything and could not be happier with the dates we have gotten as most venues are the same and we have managed to add in one or two shows. The good news is all tickets will be valid for the new dates so you don’t need to do anything on your side. I am so grateful for the fans that I have and that they have committed and stuck through this with me, this tour in August is going to be the best tour I have done – I could not be more excited to see you all again.

See you soon

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ACHTUNG! Bedingt durch die COVID-19 Pandemie kommt es leider vermehrt zu Konzertverschiebungen bzw. Absagen.

Aktuelle Verschiebungen

Matthew Mole
Berlin Boom Orchestra
Visions of Atlantis
14.10.20 –> 29.09.21 –> 15.09.22